Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Happy birthday Pah and about me dealing with failure (YES, I'M FAILED!!!)

To day, my old man is having his birthday. And I wonder how did he deal with failure. I didn't underestimate my old man tough, but hey, this is real life, you win some, you loose some. Bang Rhoma bilang: hidup itu bagai roda pedati (beuh...)
I myself, is not good at dealing with failure. Rather than take a lesson from the experience, I'm automatically stuck with all images that spinning around my mind about the experience, not to mention that it would getting my feeling even worse. It's kind of haunting me. Hell...
Sosok ayah, buat saya, pernah menjadi sosok yang menyebalkan. Ini terjadi waktu saya sedang duduk di bangku SMP. Saat itu, saya merasa ayah saya adalah sosok yang sok tahu dan menggurui, tidak mau mengerti kebutuhan anaknya. Jarak antara kami menjauh, saya akhirnya mencari kesibukan di luar, menjauhi ayah saya.
Tapi sekarang, sepertinya sosok ayah adalah sosok manusia sempurna. Melewati puluhan, atau bahkan ratusan pengalaman yang mewarnai kehidupan; yang sebagian diantaranya mungkin membuat dia sedikit tertekan, down; tapi saya sebagai anaknya belum pernah melihat seperti apa sosok ayah kami ketika dia sedang tertekan atau down akibat kegagalan dalam hidup.
Atau mungkin apa yang dialami saya juga dialami oleh ayah saya; galaunya kehidupan yang penuh dengan rintangan, akan terasa ringan jika melihat si kecil tidur tentram.
You loose some, you win some.
Happy birthday Pah.

note: image was taken from corbis.


Anonymous said...

That's the magic of life. I think you're wiser now being a dad yourself.

Anonymous said...

to deriz:
that's so sweet, but I think it's still long enough to become wise-dad tough...


L. Pralangga said...

Well, at least failure you might have just experience would re-shape for the better ahead.. keep the head up for incoming challenges, which I am sure would be no easier than previous..

Family and friends are the ones that you can seek refuge or help from.. hang in there..