Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Two days heading for three-days event outside the city.
Only 25% on preparation...
No document material copy yet
Not much confirmation yet
No hotel to spend the night yet
The account's PIC is not here today because she's ill
First time event with single-fighter style
I don't like it

Saturday afternoon, the first two stages of the event was went well. The client happy. The on-air interview with one radio station was postponed until tomorrow.
But my Putri Jail is getting a fever, damn. It makes me worried. A lot. Hope she will be alright.

Sunday afternoon. All things is done. Hopefully the client satisfied. I'm very exhausted. Time to rest. I have to wake up very early tomorrow morning to catch the earliest train to Jakarta. Putri Jail is going to be OK.


Anonymous said...

Tenang, Rom. Tarik napas, makan dulu. Udah bikin checklist? Mungkin akan lebih membantu kalau udah keliatan jelas mana-mana aja yang mesti dikerjain duluan dan mana yang bisa ditunda belakangan :D

Semangaaaaatttt!!!! ;p

Anonymous said...

Thanks Han
untungnya udah kelar...